

Creative Storytelling: 4 Ways to Get Creative with Your Brand Storytelling

Brand storytelling isn’t a new concept, but with the explosive growth of social media and content marketing, the opportunities to get creative with your storytelling efforts have become a strategic priority. When you combine storytelling with the right amount of creativity, you have the power to set your brand apart from its competition and create content that your audience will become emotionally invested in. So, what is the make-up of a creative storytelling strategy for your brand? That’s what we’re here for!

Tell a Story from Beginning to End

Fiction stories follow a structure that includes a beginning, a middle, and an end. Your brand stories should follow a similar structure. In the beginning, you need to open strong in order to grab the attention of your audience. The middle should hold your audience’s attention by keeping them interested in seeing your story through to the end. The end should pack some punch, evoke emotion from your audience and leave them coming back for more.

Think Visual Storytelling

There is no denying that visual content has the greatest effect on consumers, rising above all other marketing methods, especially on social media. Visually stimulating content will have the most lasting effect on your audience and will invite the most interaction on social media. Lastly, there are so many ways to get creative with telling stories from a visual perspective. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, right?

Storytelling with Video

Video production is a great way to achieve creative storytelling and an even greater way to capture your audience’s attention. Video marketing grows more and more popular by the minute and it is more effective in leaving a lasting impression with your audience than written content alone. Did you know that we specialize in video production here at The Storyteller Agency? 

Storytelling with Photos

There is a lot to be said for the power of a still photo in the marketing world. A still photo embodies a story all its own and the right photo will leave your audience wanting to know that story. Another great thing about photos is that you can tell an ongoing story using a sequence of photos, which is a great way take your audience on a compelling journey and keep them invested in your brand by leaving them craving the next piece of the story.

Storytelling with Infographics

When the powers of written and visual content combine, you get an infographic – and infographics are such a great way to deliver quality written content to your audience. Infographics are highly readable and pack much more of a marketing punch than written content alone.

·         Infographics are highly shareable on social media

·         Infographics are more successful at grabbing the attention of your audience than plain written content

·         Infographics deliver content more effectively than other methods

Tell Stories from a Third Party View

Brand storytelling isn’t just about telling the story of your brand. It’s also about telling stories from various points of view related to your brand – your target audience’s point of view, a behind the scenes point of view from an employee, a client’s point of view, etc. It is important to mix things up while also remaining true to the voice and identity of your brand. 

Are you ready to stop marketing and start storytelling? Reach out to us at The Storyteller Agency. Call us at 850.267.0931 or send us an email to We can give you a new, creative take on your marketing strategy through creative content, video production and more. 

The Friday Fix - December 4, 2015

The Friday Fix - November 27, 2015