

Social Media Safety Tips

Social media plays a prominent role in our daily lives. From tweeting and snapchatting to Facebook live feeds, social networking is the go-to for staying connected.  In some regards, social media has replaced other technology-based communication tools such as telephones and email. Certainly, it has provided another increasingly relevant layer of engagement from a content marketing standpoint. Of course, as the popularity of social platforms grow, so do the risks, which is why we compiled a list of important tips to keep in mind while maximizing the advantages of social networking.

1.       Customize Your Privacy Settings

Would you tell a complete stranger on the street your home address? Of course not! Don’t assume the default settings provide the protection you need in order to safe guard your personal information. Search the site as an outsider so you can see what information you can gain access to. Once you’ve adjusted your privacy settings, check back periodically to see if the site has completed updates allowing you to tighten your protection.

2.       Read Privacy Terms

You can’t be cautious enough when it comes to your privacy. Many sites make money through advertisements. When an acquirer purchases a site he is also buying the community of users on the site.

3.       Don’t Trust Every Email You Receive

It’s safe to assume that we’ve all been guilty of opening emails from unknown sources in the past, and it’s understandable that you don’t want to miss a potentially important message; however, don’t open these emails as they are likely to contain harmful viruses. Of course, not every unsavory email is so obvious. Hackers, scammers, and phishers also use the tactic of sending emails or friend requests that appear to be from a friend and use that to break into your account.

4.       Don’t Click Unknown Links and Email Attachments

Whether through a message on a social media site or email, use caution when clicking links. Clicking unknown links can lead to unidentified websites and leave you open for viruses.

5.       Guard Your Posts

Be mindful of what you post online. Posting revealing content can result in your current location or other personal information to be stolen and used by criminals. Thieves have been known to use information posted online such as airline ticket identification numbers and a user’s current location to commit crimes.

6.       Limit Work History on LinkedIn

Posting too much information on your LinkedIn account can lead to identity theft. Provide just enough information to attract recruiters, and they’ll contact you.

7.       Type the Address of Your Social Networking Site Directly into the Browser

Following a link through email or another website can lead to a fake website where your personal information can be stolen.

8.       Create a Foolproof Password

Don’t use the same password for multiple sites. If someone breaks into one account, they can break into other sites if you use the same password. Try passwords longer than 10 characters and include symbols instead of letters. Also, change your password every three to six months.

9.       Keep Your Antivirus/Antispyware Updated

Ensure that your antivirus software is updated and working properly. This software will flag potential threats and bring them to your attention. You can also use them to schedule full computer scans, which will flush out any undetected malware, spyware, or viruses.

10.   Learn How to Use the Site Properly

Know the site you’re using. Learning the ins and outs of a site will help you recognize changes that are taking place. Your experience will not only be more enjoyable, but safe. Knowing the site(s) you’re using through and through will also enable you to post appropriate content, which will ensure you have the best-possible reach and interaction with your audience.

For more great tips on using social media, follow The Storyteller Agency blog and follow us on social media channels. Additionally, you’d like help with your own social media marketing, our experienced and able team is ready to help! Just contact us and we’ll get you safely networking.



The Friday Fix - May 27, 2016

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