All tagged Storyteller Marketing

Why Is Everyone in Marketing Now Identifying as a Storyteller?

In recent years, it seems like every marketer and brand enthusiast has adopted the title of "storyteller." You can hardly attend a marketing conference or read a blog post without someone proclaiming themselves a master of the craft. But why has storytelling become such a ubiquitous buzzword in marketing? Is it just a passing trend, or does it hold some substance? Let's dive into the phenomenon and explore why storytelling has taken center stage in the world of marketing.

What Does the Pandemic Mean for Writers?

I’ve never wondered what it’s like to be in a gestational state, but thanks to 2020, I found out anyway. Think about it. A year ago, as of this writing, Americans were put on lockdown. We were literally stuck inside for the better part of a year. Everything was confusing. Things got dark (mostly our jokes, but still).We heard lots of voices from the outside, but more often than not, none of it made any sense. The longer we stayed in, conditions were increasingly cramped. Everything, including the freelance writing industry, transformed rapidly, and just as things change rapidly for a new baby in her first year of life, things are still evolving. So, what has changed and what does the Pandemic mean when it comes to work for writers in 2021?

10 Great Articles About Storyteller Marketing

All businesses, whether they are corporate companies or small startups, can benefit from storyteller marketing. It’s no secret that people love good stories, so why not use this engaging, memorable form of communication to connect with consumers? In these articles you’ll discover why storyteller marketing is so important, learn how to tell your brand story and find tips about creating relationships with your audience.

What is the Importance of Storytelling in Marketing?

Everyone loves a good story. And here at The Storyteller Agency, we believe that marketing at its very core, is about telling the best story – the one that keeps people telling it and talking about it for years. Storyteller marketing is essential when it comes to selling your product or service because it expresses your brand values, creates a human connection and captures the attention of consumers. Marketing shouldn’t be about advertising, publicizing or selling, it should be about storytelling and here’s why:

The 12 Days of Storyteller: What to Expect this Year

It's that time of year, when hearts are fuller and the spirit of giving is all around us. We can't help but be excited, and we are thrilled this year to share 12 days of giveaways with you! Dorothy Day said, "The best things to do with the best things in life is to give them away," and that's exactly what we're doing. Here's what you can expect on each day of our 12 Days of Storyteller Giveaways! (And to enter to win, just visit our Facebook page and follow the instructions there.)