All tagged WFH

How to “Work from Home” from Anywhere

Working from home takes a high level of independence and tenacity, but the rewards from the WFH lifestyle are endless! For most of us, we can make our own schedules, wear comfortable clothing, and eat/clean at our leisure. However, one of the best WFH perks is the fact that you can work from home from anywhere! What does that mean, and what does that look like? Read on to find out.

The To-Do List

To celebrate my birthday today, I put my Apple watch into my desk drawer and took my old watch to the jeweler to have the battery replaced. I created an in-office schedule for myself that offers limited yet consistent weekly availability to my clients and an out-of-office schedule that creates more availability to my family. I turned off all social notifications on my phone. I turned off the news. I turned on some Lionel Richie. I felt better.

Your 2021 Work-From-Home Resolutions

With the New Year upon us, it’s time to set some 2021 resolutions! Working from home became much more popular this past year and it looks like remote offices will continue to be prevalent for years to come. Whether you’re new to the WFH lifestyle of a seasoned pro, it’s helpful to set expectations and create healthy routines in order to thrive both personally and professionally. Here are some our goals for the year ahead and tips about how to work from home.

Holiday Activities You Can Work into Your Work-from-Home Schedule

The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy, but when it comes to errands and commitments, the stress can pile up. While this stress can be a reality of the holiday season, there are ways to make our lives easier, especially if we work from home. If we work from home, we can schedule time into our day to cook, clean, and run errands, and with the pandemic in full force, more of us will have this opportunity in the 2020 holiday season.

Sample Work from Home Schedules: The Struggle of the WFH Lifestyle

Working from home can feel like a dream. You can wake up slowly, eat at your leisure, and heck, you don’t actually have to wear pants, but when it comes to working from the place you call home, there are a few downsides.

When we work from home, the line between work and play becomes blurred. There is no physical separation that tells us our workday is over, and there is no one to keep us motivated but ourselves. How do we create a work from home schedule that promotes health, wellness, and balance when the office is next to our bedroom? This is a job for expectations, schedules, and boundaries.

5 Ways to Get 30 Minutes as a WAHM

As we all know, being a work at home mom (or dad) doesn’t just entail working; it also involves doing laundry, dishes, a fitness app, and (impossibly) showering. We also know that simply telling kids of any age to, “Go play in your room, Mommy’s working,” is an open invitation to be interrupted every three minutes (bye, sanity). This is why we suggest having quick activities for kids that will keep children entertained long enough for you to accomplish your goals without losing your mind.