All tagged blog

How to Sit Down and Write the Damn Blog Already

In theory, blogging is easy. You just write content that reflects your brand that satisfies your audience’s needs as said needs pertain to your brand. Easy-peasy-bloggy-squeezy. The problem comes when—because it’s “easy”—you don’t write or you don’t write on a schedule and then your posts are all over the place in terms of tone, timing, and focus…if, that is, you get around to writing them at all.

The Friday Fix: June 30, 2017

What better way to kick off the weekend before Independence Day than by freeing your mind with the Friday Fix? Today’s content marketing rundown is a good one with lots of insight on digital marketing, social media marketing, and genius storytelling tips. TGIF, and Happy (early) 4th of July, everybody! (waves flag)