All tagged how to storytelling

What is the Importance of Storytelling in Marketing?

Everyone loves a good story. And here at The Storyteller Agency, we believe that marketing at its very core, is about telling the best story – the one that keeps people telling it and talking about it for years. Storyteller marketing is essential when it comes to selling your product or service because it expresses your brand values, creates a human connection and captures the attention of consumers. Marketing shouldn’t be about advertising, publicizing or selling, it should be about storytelling and here’s why:

Why Getting Vulnerable in Stories Works

There are so many great kinds of stories to tell in your content that will help you reach your audience and solve their problems. How-to guides, top ten lists, and even quotes to live by are very helpful; however, they don’t always reach your audience’s emotional core, which is important. You want to forge an emotional connection with your audience (a positive one, that is), and one way to do that is by telling stories in which you show your vulnerable side. 

The Friday Fix: June 30, 2017

What better way to kick off the weekend before Independence Day than by freeing your mind with the Friday Fix? Today’s content marketing rundown is a good one with lots of insight on digital marketing, social media marketing, and genius storytelling tips. TGIF, and Happy (early) 4th of July, everybody! (waves flag)