All tagged how to tell your story

How to Tell a Story

Whether we believe it or not, we all have a story to tell, but the way in which we tell our stories can define the content and our identities. How do we tell a story in a way that is meaningful, impactful, and accurate? Read on to find out.

The PBS American Portrait Storytelling Project: What It Is & How You Can be Part of the Story

America is a rich tapestry of geographies, climates, cultures, and people divided and united into states, cities, communities, and neighborhoods. America is a land with a rich history of migration and immigration; it’s a country of pride, passion, and power, as well as one of sorrow, struggle, and strife. There is no one story that fully captures what it means to be American, which is why the PBS American Portrait Storytelling Project was manifested to tell all of the stories.

Storytelling Marketing Ideas for the Holidays 2020

They’re finally here, the 2020 holidays, and we’re not just Elf-level excited because we love the holidays, we’re also jumping for joy because the holiday season means we’ve almost survived the giant trauma bond that’s been 2020 (break out the bubbly). That in itself is something to celebrate…but it shouldn’t be the focus of your holiday marketing strategy. Rather, holiday marketing and any storyteller marketing for that matter should tell your audience the story they want to hear, manifesting the reality that they want to exist. So, here’s how you manifest the reality your audience craves.

How to Market with Storytelling

For the past several years, storyteller marketing has been the lynchpin in every successful campaign regardless of medium. Unlike tag lines, gimmicks, or other marketing tactics, stories are genuine. They have the unique ability to forge emotional connections with audiences while being highly memorable. For this reason, stories convert in a way that other modes of marketing don’t. Here, we share a rundown of our favorite pieces that explain how to market with storytelling.

How to Find Your Story: A Checklist of Questions

Storytelling is essential for forging relationships with your audience in today’s marketplace. You might understand the need for storytelling conceptually, but in terms of execution…well, you’re stuck at “once upon a time”. Starting is actually the hardest part for any writer whether they’re an old pro or a casual storyteller. Use this checklist of questions to ask yourself to find and to inspire your story.