All tagged how to write

How to Write Your Family Story

Family stories are a great way to capture the moments, relationships, characters, and quirks of a lineage; family stories are often memories of multiple family members that are compiled into an objective narrative that can be passed down for generations. The point of writing your family story is to remember an era as well as the intimacies that made your family unique and that made you who you are. Family stories often share the cultural, social, and political history of the time period in which they are written to fully set the scene. Like memoirs, family stories use narrative components like dialogue, setting, and description to tell a rich story for the audience: your family.

How to Write a Graduation Speech

Graduation is an event marking both achievements and transition. For graduates and those who love them, graduation is an event of both potential and possibility and of reservation and anxiety. There’s the question of: what comes next? Even for graduates who know the college they will attend or the job they will walk into, there is still an element of uncertainty for what the future hold. A great graduation speech will embrace the positives of potential and possibility that comes with change and transition while also quelling the inevitable nerves that arise when one is moving forward into the great, wide unknown.