All tagged storytelling

Why Is Everyone in Marketing Now Identifying as a Storyteller?

In recent years, it seems like every marketer and brand enthusiast has adopted the title of "storyteller." You can hardly attend a marketing conference or read a blog post without someone proclaiming themselves a master of the craft. But why has storytelling become such a ubiquitous buzzword in marketing? Is it just a passing trend, or does it hold some substance? Let's dive into the phenomenon and explore why storytelling has taken center stage in the world of marketing.

What Does the Pandemic Mean for Writers?

I’ve never wondered what it’s like to be in a gestational state, but thanks to 2020, I found out anyway. Think about it. A year ago, as of this writing, Americans were put on lockdown. We were literally stuck inside for the better part of a year. Everything was confusing. Things got dark (mostly our jokes, but still).We heard lots of voices from the outside, but more often than not, none of it made any sense. The longer we stayed in, conditions were increasingly cramped. Everything, including the freelance writing industry, transformed rapidly, and just as things change rapidly for a new baby in her first year of life, things are still evolving. So, what has changed and what does the Pandemic mean when it comes to work for writers in 2021?

Why You Should Let Someone Else Write Your Blog Posts

As a business owner, you wear many hats. Whether you’re a solopreneur or have a team helping with various aspects of your operations, running a company can be very overwhelming and time consuming. There’s accounting, customer service, marketing… the list goes on! With a never-ending to-do list, one thing that can oftentimes fall on the backburner is blogging. There are many reasons why you should be blogging in 2021, including better SEO, building trust with your audience and establishing yourself as an expert in your industry (more on that here). This form of content marketing is critical when it comes to growing your business, so here are a few reasons why you should outsource this task to the experts:

Fancy Hats

2020 has sucked, can we just say it? What a horrible, rotten year with loss and grief at every turn, a mean-spirited and endless election, a year of nothingness - no concerts, no openings, no parties, no family dinners, no leisurely strolls through the grocery store to mindlessly select the week’s menu without concern for the availability of food or the need to wear an uncomfortable mask and eye everyone else suspiciously for signs of illness. But wait…there’s optimism ahead?

The PBS American Portrait Storytelling Project: What It Is & How You Can be Part of the Story

America is a rich tapestry of geographies, climates, cultures, and people divided and united into states, cities, communities, and neighborhoods. America is a land with a rich history of migration and immigration; it’s a country of pride, passion, and power, as well as one of sorrow, struggle, and strife. There is no one story that fully captures what it means to be American, which is why the PBS American Portrait Storytelling Project was manifested to tell all of the stories.

Storytelling Marketing Ideas for the Holidays 2020

They’re finally here, the 2020 holidays, and we’re not just Elf-level excited because we love the holidays, we’re also jumping for joy because the holiday season means we’ve almost survived the giant trauma bond that’s been 2020 (break out the bubbly). That in itself is something to celebrate…but it shouldn’t be the focus of your holiday marketing strategy. Rather, holiday marketing and any storyteller marketing for that matter should tell your audience the story they want to hear, manifesting the reality that they want to exist. So, here’s how you manifest the reality your audience craves.

Holiday Activities You Can Work into Your Work-from-Home Schedule

The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy, but when it comes to errands and commitments, the stress can pile up. While this stress can be a reality of the holiday season, there are ways to make our lives easier, especially if we work from home. If we work from home, we can schedule time into our day to cook, clean, and run errands, and with the pandemic in full force, more of us will have this opportunity in the 2020 holiday season.

5 Ways to Get 30 Minutes as a WAHM

As we all know, being a work at home mom (or dad) doesn’t just entail working; it also involves doing laundry, dishes, a fitness app, and (impossibly) showering. We also know that simply telling kids of any age to, “Go play in your room, Mommy’s working,” is an open invitation to be interrupted every three minutes (bye, sanity). This is why we suggest having quick activities for kids that will keep children entertained long enough for you to accomplish your goals without losing your mind.

5 Tips for Writing Instagram Captions

Instagram is known as a very visual social media platform, but what you write in the caption can be just as important. Have you ever opened the app, selected your perfectly edited image and thought, “now what?” It takes creativity and strategy to craft a caption that is captivating, engaging and will resonate with your ideal audience. These helpful tips about how to write an Instagram caption will make you a social media storytelling star in no time!

A Brief History of Storytelling

Storytelling has been around for thousands of years. Humans tell stories as a means of entertainment, communication and passing down information from generation to generation. It’s in our nature to tell stories, but the way we tell them has changed due to advances in technology. As Jonathan Gottschall said, “The way we experience story will evolve, but as storytelling animals, we will no more give it up than start walking on all fours.” From rocks to computers, here is a brief history of storytelling and storyteller marketing.

What is the Importance of Storytelling in Marketing?

Everyone loves a good story. And here at The Storyteller Agency, we believe that marketing at its very core, is about telling the best story – the one that keeps people telling it and talking about it for years. Storyteller marketing is essential when it comes to selling your product or service because it expresses your brand values, creates a human connection and captures the attention of consumers. Marketing shouldn’t be about advertising, publicizing or selling, it should be about storytelling and here’s why:

Live Storytelling Events Calendar

Live storytelling events can be very entertaining and also very powerful. They allow us to connect with people in our community and collectively feel the same emotions. It’s a unique experience whether you’re telling your story or listening, so you won’t want to miss these live storytelling events around the United States this year.

Storyteller Marketing—5 Things to Know

Storyteller marketing is an approach to reaching your audience that relies on stories to form genuine connections. No gimmicks. No tricks. Just honest communication. The thing is, many people believe they “hate writing” or “can’t write a good story”, and that just isn’t true. But there are some truths relative to storyteller marketing, and if you’re willing, we’d like to share five things you need to know about storyteller marketing to make it work for you.

Why Getting Vulnerable in Stories Works

There are so many great kinds of stories to tell in your content that will help you reach your audience and solve their problems. How-to guides, top ten lists, and even quotes to live by are very helpful; however, they don’t always reach your audience’s emotional core, which is important. You want to forge an emotional connection with your audience (a positive one, that is), and one way to do that is by telling stories in which you show your vulnerable side. 

6+ Marketing Podcasts to Listen to Right Now

There are literally hundreds of marketing podcasts that are out there. These podcasts focus on marketing precepts related to growing your brand, to storytelling, to using social media, and more. Whether you’re a marketer or a brand who wants to grow your business, these podcasts will ensure you stay up-to-date on resources and methods for reaching your audience.