All tagged tips for podcasts

Storytelling Through Podcasts in 2019: What To Know Now

Podcasts continue to grow in popularity and this won’t slow down anytime soon. According to a study conducted by Edison Research, more than 50% of the US population over the age of 12 has listened to a podcast this year, jumping from 44% in 2018. With endless content options and ease of consuming, this platform is ideal for storytelling. Whether it’s an interview, fictional story or the latest news, podcasts are a great way to reach your ideal audience. Here is what you need to know about storytelling through podcasts in 2019.

6+ Marketing Podcasts to Listen to Right Now

There are literally hundreds of marketing podcasts that are out there. These podcasts focus on marketing precepts related to growing your brand, to storytelling, to using social media, and more. Whether you’re a marketer or a brand who wants to grow your business, these podcasts will ensure you stay up-to-date on resources and methods for reaching your audience.