All tagged work from home mom

The To-Do List

To celebrate my birthday today, I put my Apple watch into my desk drawer and took my old watch to the jeweler to have the battery replaced. I created an in-office schedule for myself that offers limited yet consistent weekly availability to my clients and an out-of-office schedule that creates more availability to my family. I turned off all social notifications on my phone. I turned off the news. I turned on some Lionel Richie. I felt better.

Working from Home with a Dog: Fight Boredom and Stress and Connect with Your Buddy from 9 to 5

If you work from home, one benefit is that you get to pick your coworkers and sometimes the best work companions have four legs, floppy ears, wagging tail and a wet nose. We’ll take a dog over “Karen” any day! They keep us entertained, reduce stress and will greet you every morning with a smile. Sure, they might not respond when you start up a water cooler conversation, but maybe that’s a good thing? There are many benefits, but also some challenges when it comes to working from home with your dog. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure you have a successful day at the “office.”

The Case for #NoMeetingMondays: No Monday Alarm Clock

Another good argument for #NoMeetingMondays is that you can start your Monday at whatever time you choose. That sounded nice, didn't it? That was the Pinterest caption from the cutesy, I've-got-it-all-together-all-the-time mom who somehow makes sweatpants look tailored and has mastered whatever makeup trick it is that makes you look really awake/in shock all the time. Here’s the real caption:

5 Ways to Get 30 Minutes as a WAHM

As we all know, being a work at home mom (or dad) doesn’t just entail working; it also involves doing laundry, dishes, a fitness app, and (impossibly) showering. We also know that simply telling kids of any age to, “Go play in your room, Mommy’s working,” is an open invitation to be interrupted every three minutes (bye, sanity). This is why we suggest having quick activities for kids that will keep children entertained long enough for you to accomplish your goals without losing your mind.

A New Chapter in the Story

This year, as we approach our seventh year, the Storyteller Agency relaunches, as something new, a collection of work-from-home writers offering writing services as well as a lifestyle blog and hopeful community of like-minded and like-living individuals. We are writers and editors, but we are also members of our families and lovers of living on our own time and schedules as much as we can. Those visiting our website will find a common thread and a familiar voice, one that's authentic and meaningful. One that offers wisdom and humor, and one that tells a good story.

Working from Home with Baby: How to Plan Your Day

Anyone who watched 30 Rock will remember Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) constantly trying to “have it all.” When you work from home with your baby, that’s essentially what you’re doing—trying to have it all. If working from home while raising your children is a goal, that’s great! Go for it. Here, The Storyteller Agency’s managing editor weighs on what it’s like to work from home with pint-size bosses running the show and real-talks on how she plans the day so actual work gets done.