All tagged work from home schedule

Sample Work from Home Schedules: The Struggle of the WFH Lifestyle

Working from home can feel like a dream. You can wake up slowly, eat at your leisure, and heck, you don’t actually have to wear pants, but when it comes to working from the place you call home, there are a few downsides.

When we work from home, the line between work and play becomes blurred. There is no physical separation that tells us our workday is over, and there is no one to keep us motivated but ourselves. How do we create a work from home schedule that promotes health, wellness, and balance when the office is next to our bedroom? This is a job for expectations, schedules, and boundaries.

The Case for #NoMeetingMondays: No Monday Alarm Clock

Another good argument for #NoMeetingMondays is that you can start your Monday at whatever time you choose. That sounded nice, didn't it? That was the Pinterest caption from the cutesy, I've-got-it-all-together-all-the-time mom who somehow makes sweatpants look tailored and has mastered whatever makeup trick it is that makes you look really awake/in shock all the time. Here’s the real caption: